How does multi-user functionality work?
Is it possible to add a user to Panda Video?
The ability to add users serves the purpose of organizing permissions for collaborators or other people who need to access your account on Panda Video. In the past, if another person had access to your login on our Dashboard, they automatically had the same possibilities as you, which wasn't very secure for working in large teams.
However, in order to improve these security aspects in your account and to make you feel more comfortable adding people to access your account in a way that allows multiple people to work on the same account with specific permissions.
Where is this feature located and what are the possible permissions?
First, to access these settings it is important to mention that this is a feature that is only natively available from the Silver and Gold plans. The number of additional users possible in each plan is as follows:
Silver: 2 additional users
Gold: 10 additional users
If you are interested in adding more additional users than your plan allows, it is indeed possible, and the cost per user is US$4,90/Month
After being on a plan that allows additional users, let's talk a little about the options that are available by default. The options are:
View: At this permission level, the user can access pages and view information.
Editor: At this permission level, the user can access configuration and administrative pages.
Administrator: Finally, with administrator permission, the user can access pages, edit and view information.

In any case, if you feel the need to create additional control and management levels, know that it is possible to create presets, thus creating specific permission standards for your needs. If you're curious about the available options, here's a screenshot with the possibilities for creating a specific permission.

Right, now that we understand how permissions work, it's just a matter of inviting the team and getting it to work, this point is quite simple. Next to the Permissions option is the Add User option, just click on it and fill in the information of the new user you want to add, assigning a name, the user's email, and the permission you want them to have, after this is done, an email will be sent to them confirming access and voila, your new user has been created!

Still have any doubts?
Call us on support and we will do our best to help you with problems on the dashboard. Just make sure all steps are being followed to successfully resolve the issue.
Updated on: 10/03/2023
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