How to show content after a while of the video (in Elementor)?
Showing and hiding elements on the page In this article, we will demonstrate how to display content after a specific time interval during a video using Elementor. The show/hide feature is an essential tool for digital marketers when creating landing pages, particularly sales pages for their products. One of the most effective sales strategies is a minimalist landing page with a powerful headline at the top and a sales video directly below it. During the video, the producer will often introPopularHow to autoplay videos on sales pages?
Autoplay on sales pages Browsers by default do not allow autoplay of videos where the video with sound (does not mute). This is a policy to improve the user experience, see more on Chrome blog. In this way, on a sales page, what we want is for the visitor to be engaged as quickly as possible in the content, especially in video. The video can only be displayed with autoplay with sound if the user interacts with the page, that is, one click is enouSome readersHow to install Panda Video plugin in Elementor?
How to install Panda Video plugin for Elementor? Our plugin is now officially on the Wordpress store, just click here and download it! You can also access the wordpress dashboard and search for "Panda Video" in the store, the plugin will appear and then just add it to your account. What are the advantages of integrating with the plugin? By integrating your video in Panda with Elementor through the plugin, you will be making the performance aSome readersHow to improve video loading performance?
Improving loading performance On sales pages we want the video to load faster and for that there are some ways to pre-load the necessary parts for the site, before the user realizes it. Thus, the video will run faster because the page will already be prepared. These are techniques called prebrowsing. For this, there are tags that the browser recognizes so that you can ask for faster loading. The tags used for prebrowsing are: dns-prefetch It tells the browser to already look up tSome readersHow does it work and how to use the Mini-Triggers?
What are Mini-Triggers? In this article I will explain how it works and how to use the Mini-Triggers. This is a feature that gives you the possibility to show messages to your viewers in the player. By that I mean that it is possible for you to make a message generating a mental trigger to help in decision-making at points where many people abandon the video, thus improving retention until the sales pitch. How to configure the Mini-Triggers? The Mini-Trigger works like a hook, it's vFew readersHow does the new Pause Thumbnail feature work?
How does the new Pause Thumbnail feature work? In this article, I will be discussing the concept of Pause Thumbnails and the new possibilities that they offer. Essentially, when a user clicks on pause during a video, a thumbnail appears with a message. However, imagine if it were possible to define multiple thumbnails for different situations. For instance, it has been observed that many users tend to abandon videos before they reach the sales pitch. By optimizing the Pause Thumbnail to appeFew readersHow the Test A/B works?
How does the A/B Test feature work? In this article we are going to talk about how A/B Testing works still in its Beta version, so that it works and how having this technology in your provision can change the way your VSL sells. What exactly is an A/B Test? A/B Testing is a method used to determine how users and viewers respond to changes made to your videos. For instance, if you have a sales page, but you're unsure about the effectiveness of the video's copy, settings, or even theFew readersHow to use Panda Video plugin in Elementor?
Understand how to use our plugin on your Elementor website After the installation is done, a subject we talk about in this article. You must be wanting to learn and understand everything we offer within our plugin, right? Well, in this article you will understand what we currently have available for our plugin and how to use it. What features are available in the plugin? Almost all of our native functions are alreFew readersHow to integrate my video in Panda with Elementor?
Integrating your video with Elementor Integration with Elementor is available on any of our plans, even in the trial period. There are 2 ways to integrate with Elementor, the most suitable option and the simplest is with our plugin, directly in wordpress. With the plugin you will automatically have your page more optimized and your video with better loading!Few readersHow to use a custom muted indicator?
How to use a custom muted indicator icon? If you don't like the layout of our "muted indicator" icon and animation, you can create a custom layout and change any image, video or control you want. The code that we are going to show uses the Panda API and although it looks be complicated, this example is divided into two parts (style of the items below on top of the video and the click action) . Embed Code O código embed da página de vídeo deve ter algumas pequenaFew readersHow can I use performance code?
How can I use performance code? The performance code that we make available in our Dashboard has become a frequently asked question for many users, so in this text we will explain what it is for and how to use it. What does performance code do? The performance code, as the name says, is a function that we make available for users who would like to make their players faster, that's right, it makes the preload of some segments of the video, thus, leaving the infinitely faster player. AnyFew readersHow to use custom mute indicator?
How to change the mute indicator? In this article, I will explain how you can customize your mute indicator. Based on feedback from several users, we have introduced the option of selecting the type of image - gif, png, or jpg - that you want to use to enhance the viewing experience for your audience. So, let's dive into the tutorial on how you can make these customizations. Where can I configure? You can find the new feature in the customization part of your individual video, next tFew readersHow to set up the dummy progress bar in Panda Video:
What is the dummy progress bar? Before I teach you how to set up your progress bar, it's important to talk more about what this feature does. The dummy progress bar is one of the most commonly used features in sales pages, VSLs, and so on. It simulates the progress of the watched time of the video at a faster speed than the actual playback, giving the impression that the video is shorter. This way, the user watching the video is more likely to watch it until the end or reach the salesFew readersShowing and Hiding Elements on the Page
Showing and Hiding Elements on the Page In this article, we will explain how our script works to display content at a specific moment in the video. The show/hide feature is highly valuable for digital marketing professionals in creating landing pages, specifically for building sales pages for their products. One widely used sales strategy is to have a clean landing page with a strong call-to-action at the top and a sales video just below it. Throughout the video, usually when the producerFew readersHow to Boost Conversion with Panda Video
How to Boost Conversion with Panda Video Panda Video is a leading company in the video player segment, and if you're looking for ways to boost conversion on your videos, you've come to the right place. Let's explore some of the amazing features offered by Panda Video and how they can help drive your conversion rates. 1. FastFew readersHow I can use performance code?
How can I use performance code? The performance code that we make available in our Dashboard has become a frequently asked question for many users, so in this text we will explain what it is for and how to use it. What does performance code do? The performance code, as the name says, is a function that we make available for users who would like to make their players faster, that's right, it makes the preload of some segments of the video, thus, leaving the infinitely faster player. AnyFew readers