How to integrate Panda Video's DRM via API?
Learn how to integrate our DRM with the player via API In this article I will explain step by step how to integrate DRM into our player. If you still don't know about our DRM, how to create a group and the possibilities that exist, I advise you to read this article about DRM ( and-and-how-our-drmwatermark-1tnesei/ works) and its basic functionalities. Ready, aware of the possibilities that we offer you with DRM, let's go to the step by step.Some readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Elementor?
How to Embbeding my video in Panda on Elementor? In this article we will understand the whole step by step of how to integrate your video in Panda with Elementor. Currently, we have 2 ways to integrate with Elementor, the simplest and most suitable is with our plugin, directly in wordpress. With the plugin you will automatically have your page more optimized and your video with better loading! This integration is already available even duringSome readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Hotmart?
Embbeding your video with Hotmart Embbeding on Hotmart is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the embed code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the option Videos. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When the video settings page you have chosen opens, click the EMBED button on the right side of the screen. Then, in the Platform field, choose theFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Nutror (Eduzz)?
Embbeding on your video with Nutror Embbeding on Nutror is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the embed code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page for the video you have chosen, click on the EMBED button on the right side of the screen. Then, in the PlatformFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Cademí?
Embbeding your video on Cademí The Embbeding on Cademí is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the HLS code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page of the video you have chosen, click the button shown in the illustration below and copy the URL Playlist HLS. Please seeFew readersHow to Create a Button with Delay Using the Elementor Plugin?
How to Create a Button with Delay Using the Elementor Plugin? Considering that many of our users use WordPress with Elementor, we have created our own plugin that seamlessly integrates with Elementor. This plugin's mission is to maximize the potential of the video iframe in terms of performance and delivery quality. The plugin also simplifies all the choices of player functionalities and customizations, including the button with delay. In this article, you will learn how to add a button wFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Astron Members?
Embbeding your video with Astron Members Embbeding on Astron Members is available on any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy your video link inside Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page of the video you have chosen, click the button shown in the illustration below and copy the URL Playlist HLS. Please seeFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Memberkit?
Embbeding your video on Memberkit Memberkit integration is available on any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to connect your Panda account in the Memberkit Integrations area: upload all the videos (which you want to put in your members area) to your Panda account. Then, in your Memberkit account, in the left hand column click on Integrations. Next, click on the Panda option. Then click on the Authorize Panda Account button. AfFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on XGrow?
Embbeding your video with XGrow Embbeding on XGrow is available on any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to generate an API Key inside Panda to start this integration. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Settings option. Then click on the Generate New API Key button and a key will be generated in the field above. Now just copy this key and go to the second step. Please see the illustration below:Few readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on AlpaClass?
Embbeding your video on AlpaClass Embbeding with AlpaClass is available on any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the HLS code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page of the video you have chosen, click the button shown in the illustration below and copy the URL Playlist HLS. PleaseFew readersHow to Send Events to the Player?
How to Send Events to the Player? In this article, we'll explain how to trigger control events for the player via API with some useful examples. The first step is to define the idea you want to implement. For example, some people want to add quizzes and other learning aids to their videos, but these features are not native to our player at the moment. So, how can you integrate and send control events to the player to create these elements on your own? How to Manipulate Player Events?Few readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on GreatPages?
Embbeding your video on GreatPages Embbeding on GreatPages is available on any of our plans, even the trial period. The first step is to copy the embed code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page of the video you have chosen, click the button shown in the illustration below and copy the URL Playlist HLS. PleaseFew readersHow to Embedding my video in Panda on EAD Guru?
Embbeding your video on EAD Guru Integration with EAD Guru is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the HLS code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option. Next, choose the video you want to integrate. When opening the settings page of the video you have chosen, click on the button shown in the illustration below and copy the URL Playlist HLS. PFew readersProblem with referer policy?
Which referer should I use? In this article I'm going to explain what the referer is and if you embed our videos on your page, we're also going to make some observations about precautionary measures in your configuration. Another very important thing to mention is that the referer is basically a very important way for us to know which page the video is being embedded in, it is very important to know which configuration to use if you are using domain protection. Is there a possible probleFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Academy LMS?
Integrating your video with Academy LMS Integration with Academy LMS is available on any of our plans, even during the trial period. The first step is to copy the embed code of your video within Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, select the Videos option. Then, choose the video you want to integrate. When the configuration page of the chosen video opens, click the EMBED button on the right side of the screen. Next, in the Platform fieldFew readersHow to Embbeding my video in Panda on Klickmembers?
Embbeding your video with Klickmembers Embbeding on Hotmart is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period. The first step is to copy the embed code from your video into Panda. Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the option Videos. Then choose the video you want to integrate. When the video settings page you have chosen opens, click the EMBED button on the right side of the screen. Then, in the Platform field, choosFew readersHow to embedding my Panda video on Builderall?
How to embedding my Panda video on Builderall? n this article, we'll explain how to embed your video in Builderall. Well, it's quite simple, Builderall currently has a very practical way of embedding your video. How to embed via Builderall Integration? That's right, Builderall very proactively created an integration to facilitate and speed up the process of embedding videos, below I'll be teaching you step by step how to do it. The first step after selecting the page where you wantFew readersHow to integrate our DRM into Memberkit?
How to integrate our DRM into Memberkit? In this article, we will explain the simple process of setting up DRM for your content that is being made available on Memberkit. We will provide a more detailed explanation of the process in the following paragraphs.Few readersHow can I integrate my video on Panda with Elementor?
How to Integrate My Video on Panda with Elementor? In this article, we will walk through the step-by-step process of integrating your video on Panda with Elementor. Currently, we offer 2 ways to integrate with Elementor, with the simplest and most recommended method being through our plugin directly on WordPress. With the plugin, your page will automatically be more optimized, and your video will load better! This integration is even availableFew readersHow to embedding my video in Panda on Builderall?
How to embed my Panda video in Builderall? In this article, we’ll explain how to embed your video in Builderall. It’s quite simple! Builderall currently offers a very practical integration for embedding your video. We’ll walk you through the step-by-step process, share some tips to make this even easier, and ensure you make the most of this feature. How to embed via Builderall Integration? That’s right! Builderall has proactively created an integration to simplify and speed up the vidFew readersHow to integrate my Panda video with Greenn?
Segue a tradução completa para o inglês: Integrating Your Video with Greenn Integration with Greenn is available on any of our plans, even during the trial period. Step 1: Copy the embed code of your video in Panda. Go to the Dashboard and select the Videos option on the left side of the screen. Next, choose the video you want to integrate. Once the settings page for the selected video opens, click the button with an icon resembling a chain and copy the HLS PlayliFew readers