How to Embbeding my video in Panda on Nutror (Eduzz)?
Embbeding on your video with Nutror
Embbeding on Nutror is available in any of our plans, even in the trial period.
The first step is to copy the embed code from your video into Panda.
Go to the Dashboard and on the left side of the screen, choose the Videos option.
Then choose the video you want to integrate.
When opening the settings page for the video you have chosen, click on the EMBED button on the right side of the screen.
Then, in the Platform field, choose the Eduzz option and then click on the copy symbol and copy the video embed code.
Please see the illustration below:

The second step is inside your Nutror dashboard:
Open the Nutror class editing panel, scroll down and go to the Embed option under Contents.
Click on the Embed option and in the Embed name block that opens, paste the embed code that you copied in the first step.
Now click on the Validate button, then click on Confirm and then click on the green Save button.
Please see the illustration below:

To check the configuration you made, just view the members area as a student and check if the video is playing correctly.

Now you can celebrate, you have a video of Panda in your members area 🐼
Got any questions or want to know more?
Just call us in our support chat and our team will do their best to solve your doubts or difficulties? Already use Panda Video? If not, know that both our player and our prices are unbeatable, if you are interested, take a look at our plans, in this way, it may be that some of them make sense with your product and as a gift you will still become another little panda. 🐼
Updated on: 11/26/2024
Thank you!