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What is DRM Watermark and how does it work?

What is DRM(watermark) and how does it work?

In this article I will explain how DRM (Watermark) works. At first, this functionality aims to deliver greater security to your content, the way our DRM does this is through our integrations available from your member platform or via API. In this way, our DRM receives the student's registration data from its platform and renders it inside the player's screen, as if it were part of the video.

Also, as here at Panda Video we like to deliver our new functionalities in a customizable way and that the user has maximum autonomy when deciding the best way to present his course, thus making it clear that they are from possibilities aimed at personalization more specifically to how much bandwidth you'd like to spend with DRM.

How much does it cost to use DRM?

Videos with active DRM, as well as normal videos, consume traffic, however DRM, being a dynamic and volatile technology, consumes a greater processing capacity of our encode servers, which causes its price to be $ 0,60 /GB per consumed bandwidth. Of course, this value will not be consumed immediately, but based on the video time that the DRM was on the screen.

It is important that you know that we provide control over how long the video you want the DRM to be visible, so that you have control of how much you will need to spend or how much will be spent. Anyway, if this is a concern for you, it is interesting that you make a plan like the price calculation below:

Example of calculation: For the purpose of example, let's assume that you want to protect 250GB of bandwidth, with DRM being applied in 10% of your bandwidth consumption, so all processing for the operation of DRM in 25GB will be done. In this way, the calculation that must be done is 25 x $ 0,60 = $ 15,00, in this way, the amount to be paid for the consumption of the DRM would be only $ 15,00.

What integration options are available for DRM?

With a proprietary and optional solution, we identify the person watching the video with unique data such as: name, CPF, email or any other information. In addition, we put this watermark inside the video (encoded and visible) identifying the person watching the video (it makes it difficult to download and record screen). We are currently making direct and simplified DRM integration available in our Dashboard, however, only for Hormart, Eduzz, Ticto, Cademi and Memberkit at this first moment.

If this is not your situation, we also make this feature available through our API. We understand that giving the possibility for our users to be able to do this integration on their own in their systems would be a great differential for using it!

How to configure DRM within the platform:

After logging into your account, among the side tools there is the security tab, where some extra protections that we offer our users are available. There are two options on this screen, URL blocking and DRM (watermark). After selecting the DRM tab it is recommended that you create your first DRM group.

DRM group: A DRM group is basically like a scope, for example it will be possible to add videos to be part of this group, define the specific integration platform for this group as Hotmart, Eduzz or integration via API (options currently available). Within these groups, it is also possible to define a specific layout, define a DRM screen time (influences the charge) among other group settings.

After being configured, a group needs to have a data connection with the platform that wants to integrate this technology, such as the Hotmart and Eduzz webhook. The Webhook serves to collect the data you want to show as user information directly from the platform, at Panda we have no contact with your students' data, the data is only captured, processed by the encode and presented in the video.

How to create my first group of DRM videos in Panda Video?

Eduzz's webhook configuration on your DRM Panda is very simple to do, however there are some steps that may end up making it easier to get lost, after all, it will be necessary to make some adjustments in the Eduzz platform itself. Well, what you will need to be able to complete this step by step is to have access to both platforms, both Panda Video and the Eduzz platform.

The first step with access to the platforms is Panda Video. At first, you must configure your first group that you want to apply DRM to, to do this is very simple, just go to the security tab and select DRM from the options above and then activate the DRM feature on your videos.

After activating the DRM feature on your Dashboard, you can notice that a group with the name "Standard" was automatically created. use the default group for our first setup. By the way the option to create a new DRM group and also the option to disable this feature.

Within a group you can add a video or folder easily, just click the button with "+" icon. After adding a new folder or video, these contents will already have the DRM activated. To configure your DRM you must click on the "Gear" which will be the place where you can be making your settings in the form of a Pop-Up, among the available options of CONFIGURATION, SCREEN TIME, STYLE, ADVANCED.

Configuration: In the configuration tab, we give you several possibilities, among them: Name of the group, Platform (the platform you want to make the change), Integration URL that must be pasted in the mandatory field to connect Panda to chosen membership platform, and the verification token for that platform as well which must be entered into Panda.

Screen time: Here you can specify how much time of the video you would like to use the DRM, it is important to note that the measure is in percentage, this means that the DRM will be visible given the percentage of the total size of the video.

Style: Here you can style your DRM so that it looks like your product, or the way you think is best, being able to change the font size, font and color that appeared on the DRM display.

Advanced: And last but not least, it is possible to activate and deactivate the "security of videos in this group" this adds another layer of protection where before the video is started the user is asked for a password, in this way, only releasing the video after authentication has been completed.

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Just call us in our support chat and our team will do everything possible to resolve your doubts or difficulties? Already using Panda Video? If you haven't yet, know that both our player and our prices are unbeatable, if you're interested, take a look at our plans, that way, it may be that one of them makes sense with your product and as a gift you even become one more pandinha. 🐼

Updated on: 10/03/2023

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